10 Dec 14 Dec
09:00 - 17:00

Winter School The House of Legal Psychology




This Winter School is for all PhD candidates and their supervisors from The House of legal Psychology and will focus on psychology of evidence: A European perspective and vulnerable suspects and reduced responsibility issues across Europe.


More information on this programme can be found on legalpsychology and linked-in.




Location: Law Faculty, Bouillonstraat 1-3, Maastricht

Room 1.019

The House of Legal Psychology


  • Practical Course: Legal English by Peter van Koppen
  • Lunch
  • Visiting the police
  • Social event


  • Assessment: Psychology of evidence: a European perspective
  • Lunch
  • Assessment: Vulnerable suspects and reduced responsibility issues across Europe
  • Presentation about job opportunities beyond academia by Sara Landstrom
  • Supervisor meetings


  • Invited guest: Forensic Pathologist 
  • Lunch
  • Lecture: Vulnerable suspects and criminable responsibility issues in real cases by Marko Jelicic
  • The future of the House of Legal Psychology and how to stay in touch by Melanie Sauerland
  • Brainstorm ideas/plan for the workshop Summer School 2019
  • Board meeting
  • Supervisor meetings


  • The specifics for degrees with different combinations by Melanie Sauerland
  • Moot Court by Robert Horselenberg
  • Lunch
  • Timelines and number of studies you need by Harald Merckelbach
  • Supervisor meetings
  • Cooking and dinner


  • Lecture: Child interviewing by Henry Otgaar
  • Lunch
  • Workshop: Statistics by Timothy Luke