24 Mar
MCEL (hybrid) workshop

The war against Ukraine and EU law

This workshop will discuss the impact of the war against Ukraine on the EU and EU law. On 24 February 2022, Russia commenced a large-scale military invasion of Ukraine. The unprovoked aggression deeply shook the international community. The EU and its Member States expressed unequivocal solidarity with Ukraine and implemented numerous measures to tackle Russia’s military intervention and support the Ukrainian government and its citizens.

Organisers: Valentina Golunova, Anna de Jong and Ruben Tans of Maastricht University

Faculty of Law
Kapoenstraat 2, Maastricht
Meeting room: KAP2  1.009


Apart from endangering world peace and democracy, the invasion of Ukraine and consequent EU’s reaction also poses complex legal dilemmas. Given the EU’s prominent role in addressing the situation in Ukraine, measures adopted to prevent the escalation of military aggression challenge the interpretation, application, and future of EU law. In some areas, the EU adopted a more liberal stance to address new pressing issues, such as the Ukrainian refugee crisis and the threat to peace and stability on the European continent. However, one can also observe the opposite dynamic: the EU moved to introduce new restrictions to combat increasing security risks within the region. This development hints at a change of pace for the EU, since a project dedicated to eradicating borders which suddenly found itself forced to raise borders. This workshop aims to systematically address the complex interplay between the events in Ukraine and EU law. It will bring together both junior and senior scholars working on different aspects of this important and timely topic.


13.00h Welcome & coffee
13.15h Introduction  by Prof.dr. Ellen Vos (Faculty of Law, Maastricht University)

Panel 1: The EU’s Response to the War against Ukraine: Opening Borders

  • Chair: Dr Annalisa Volpato (Faculty of Law, Maastricht University)
  • Dr Giselle Bosse (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Maastricht University): Values, rights, and changing interests: The EU’s response to the war against Ukraine and the responsibility to protect Europeans
  • Dr Marie-Eve Bélanger (Centre for Comparative and International Studies, ETH Zürich): From Fast Track to Business as Usual: The Limits of Identity Politics in the EU Enlargement to Ukraine
  • Ruben Tans (Faculty of Law, Maastricht University): Opening borders to those fleeing the war against Ukraine: How temporary is temporary protection?
  • Dr Pauline Melin (Faculty of Law, Maastricht University): Opening up the EU labour market to temporary protection holders: opportunities and challenges
15.00h Break

Panel 2: The EU’s Response to the War against Ukraine: Raising Borders

  • Chair: Dr Lilian Tsourdi (Faculty of Law, Maastricht University)
  • Dr Ewan McGaughey (Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London): Repowering the EU and ending war by ending fossil fuels
  • Dr Merijn Chamon (Faculty of Law, Maastricht University): Ending privileged access to the EU for Russian citizens
  • Anna de Jong (Faculty of Law, Maastricht University): Sanctions and how (not) to do them? Comparing the EU sanctions with the EU’s sanction guidelines
  • Valentina Golunova (Faculty of Law, Maastricht University): Tackling propaganda, fighting for the truth? The implications of the war against Ukraine for EU media and internet law
16.45h Closing Remarks by Prof.dr. Andrea Ott (Faculty of Law, Maastricht University): Shifting borders: How Ukraine became an accession candidate: What does it mean and how will it continue?
17.00h Drinks


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