04 Dec
Studium Generale | Lecture Series

The Ukrain and other Conflicts in the Region / Eastern Europe, after the Wall came down

This series already started, but it is possible to join the individual lectures.
25 years ago, after the Wall came down in 1989, we ‘celebrated’ the victory of democracy over communism. 

After the development of democracy in many of the former Eastern bloc countries, many of us thought things could only get better. But where do we stand today? Germany was reunified and many Eastern European countries joined the EU, but did everything change for the better?

In this series we look at the recent history of Eastern Europe and present issues and conflicts on the borders of Europe. And learning from the past, can we form any idea of what the next 25 years will bring us?

A picture of someone on the Berlin Wall.

The individual lectures

1. History of Eastern Europe and its Borders(Wim van Meurs / 6 Nov)

2. Back to a Divided Continent? Europe 25 years after the Collapse of the Iron Curtain (Tom Casier / 13 Nov)

3. Reasons and Circumstances of 1989/1990 and the "New World“ for East Germans after the Wall came down (Ines Soldwisch / 20 Nov)

4. Russia and the EU (Lien Verpoest / 27 Nov)

5. The Ukraine and other Conflicts in the Region(Giselle Bosse / 4 Dec)