01 Dec
Studium Generale | Lecture

Trends and impacts of inequality in Europe

After a short introduction to the fierce societal debate on inequality, Salverda will show how income inequality has grown in many countries over recent decades, with interesting national differences. 

Salverda on a picture

Several ‘drivers’ behind these trends will be discussed, especially in relation to labour-market inequalities. Next, social impacts (health, housing and poverty) as well as political impacts (participation and legitimacy) will be highlighted. 

Finally, Salverda will consider the two-sided role of policy-making: mitigating inequalities by means of redistribution and enhancing them by structuring markets and society. He concludes with some policy discussion.

Background information: Growing Inequalities' Impacts (GINI) 

Following this lecture, Dr. René Gabriëls and 
Professor Hans Heijke will reflect on the lecture of Professor Salverda. 

Dr. René Gabriëls is lecturer at Maastricht University. His research interests as a philosopher lie amongst others in the field of sociology where he focus on social stratification and poverty.

Hans Heijke is Professor of Education and the Labour Market. He founded the Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA) at Maastricht University. His main research interests are educational and occupational labour markets.

This event is organized together with study association SCOPE | Economics 

Photo: Jeroen Oerlemans