18 Apr
16:00 - 17:30
Get ready to BURST YOUR BUBBLE!!!

Together for a more sustainable & healthy faculty and future

Workshop by Green Team and the GreenOffcie

Workshop on Sustainability at FPN & FHML - Together for a more sustainable & healthy faculty and future Sustainable and healthy food choices? Less waste, reusable items, book swap? Sustainability and/or climate change within the curriculum of your study program? You would like to see FPN & FHML be more sustainable in their education, practice and/or strategy? You have a specific idea, are already working on something or would like to join a team or simply exchange with other interested and passionate student and staff members? Come and join us for this informative and mainly interactive session in which we would like to exchange on aims, goals and visions for more sustainable and healthy faculties; network, connect with each other and work on specific steps on how to reach those goals. Hannah from the Green Team at FPN and Jenni from the UM Green Office will happily share their experiences gained through working in the field of sustainability and health with and at UM. No extensive pre-knowledge needed – only bring interest and motivation and we are more than happy to exchange with you and have a great time.

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