10 Jul
15:30 - 17:00
A LeD initiative in collaboration with the ECPC

Summer Masterclass "Ethics, Research and the GDPR"

The LeD (Legal Data) community is organising, in partnership with the European Centre on Privacy and Cybersecurity (ECPC): a Summer Masterclass on Ethics, Research and the GDPR, with the experts Cosimo Monda, Paolo Balboni and Christopher Kuner.

Registration pre-register via this Google form https://goo.gl/forms/t8JJsGQlrr8eoKe32 or send us an email at info-ids@maastrichtuniversity.nl

The event will take place at the UM Faculty of LAW and is free of charge and open to all.

Following the Masterclass, you are invited for drinks in the Faculty’s inner garden.

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