31 Aug
Alumni event in Zürich

Summer get-together in Zürich

Alumni are very welcome to join in an informal networking drink

Happy Summer of 2017 – it’s been a while since we've seen each other in Zürich. The 31st of August is our next get-together in an informal atmosphere with you at the Carlton Bar in Zürich. It’s about time for another event with you to get back into the Swing of the Maastricht Swiss Alumni Circle, a few more events to follow for those of you still on holidays on the 31st August. For all the others – we’d love to see you for a summer drink at the Carlton Bar.

If you intend to join the event, please sign up via the UM Alumni Portal.

Stay tuned for our next events in Zürich: We have spoken to Business Angels Switzerland – and have an interesting event for you coming-up shortly featuring Swiss start-ups. We also have a Christmas event in the making for you. Any other ideas – please share with us or post on our Maastricht University Zürich – Alumni group on Facebook.

We look forward to see many of you for a Summer drink on the 31st August!

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