22 Mar
20:00 - 21:30
Studium Generale | Conversation

The Climate Crisis and Your Concerns

It might almost slip your mind, but lurking in the background of the COVID-19 crisis is a climate crisis. Whereas COVID-19 creates uncertainty about the future in the short term, the latent climate reports may raise concerns about your future in ten or twenty years. We often talk about the impending doom by exchanging tips: go vegan, don’t fly, join an action group, do something!

But how do you feel? How can you deal with the fear aroused by this situation? And with the sadness about the loss of nature? During this evening, we’ll be discussing these and other questions in small groups, starting off courageous conversations. Two experts will give a plenary introduction.

About the speakers:
Evanne Nowak is a freelance moderator, curator and program maker on the intersections of philosophy, ecology, art and justice.
Prof. Pim Martens is Professor of 'Sustainable Development' at Maastricht University and Senior Fellow in the Ethics of the Anthropocene Program at the Free University, Amsterdam.

Maria Jagodzinska, student at University College Maastricht, will moderate the event.

In cooperation with The InnBetween
