08 Nov 09 Nov
08:30 - 17:00

Snowball Exhibition

Let's stop reinventing the wheel and start spreading impactful solutions.


Discover the Power of Solutions for Social & Environmental Challenges.

Are you passionate about making a positive impact on our world? Are you curious about potential ideas that have been elsewhere and are willing to be replicated?

Join us at the Snowball Exhibition, organized as part of the courses on Social and Environmental Entrepreneurship (OSE Department) and the Centre of Entrepreneurship and Innovation.  Snowball Effect’s mission is to spread the most impactful initiatives across the world, to tackle society’s challenges at scale. This exhibition is part of the Global Entrepreneurship Week movement!

During this exhibition, you will:

  • Explore over 40 innovative solutions that have successfully addressed climate change, poverty, social justice, and more.
  • Engage with captivating visuals and sounds, immersing yourself in the presented solutions.
  • Learn how you can be a part of creating a snowball effect of positive change by replicating these solutions locally.

No registration is required. Open to the entire SBE community and anyone interested

More Info:         
Abel Diaz Gonzalez, Assistant Professor, OSE Department abel.diazgonzalez@maastrichtuniversity.nl

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