02 Jun

On-Site PhD conferral Judith de Ruijter-van Dalem

Supervisors: Prof. dr. M.C.G.J. Brouwers, Emeritus Prof. dr. F. de Vries

Co-supervisors: Dr. A.M. Burden, ETH, Zurich, Dr. J.H.M. Driessen

Key words: tailored therapy, type 2 diabetes, unintended effects, guideline

"Tailored therapy in type 2 diabetes unintended effects of glucoselowering agents"

The clinical treatment landscape of type 2 diabetes has rapidly evolved over the last decades. With the arrival of several new treatment options, the possibility of tailored therapy for patients with type 2 diabetes has become an option. This thesis investigated several advantages and disadvantages of the treatment options. Some of the results contradict with the Dutch treatment guideline, e.g. gliclazide does not seem to better than other sulphonylureas with regard to some important outcomes and there might be role for thiazolidinedionen in the treatment of selected patients. This underlines the importance of tailored therapy. However, this thesis also showed that implementation of tailored therapy is difficult and that there is room for improvement in guidelines and among prescribers.

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