04 Nov

On-site PhD conferral Josien C.A. Jenniskens

Supervisors: Prof. dr. ir. P.A. van den Brandt, Prof. dr. H.I. Grabsch

Co-supervisor: Dr. C.C.J.M. Simons

Keywords: energy balance, colorectal cancer, etiology, metabolism

"Energy balance and colorectal cancer risk A role for cancer cell metabolism?"

In this thesis, it was investigated whether cancer cell metabolism might play a role in the association between energy balance and colorectal cancer risk. To investigate this, colorectal cancer cases were divided into subgroups that give an indication of the metabolism that is used by the cancer cells. Associations between energy balance-related factors (overweight, physical activity, height, and energy restriction) and these subgroups of colorectal cancer based on cancer cell metabolism were investigated. The results gave an indication on whether or not cancer cell metabolism might play a role in the associations between energy balance-related factors and colorectal cancer risk.

Click here for the full dissertation. 

Click here for the live stream. 

Language: Dutch