01 Apr

On-Site PhD conferral Ennie Bijkerk

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. R.R.W.J. van der Hulst

Co-supervisors: Dr. S.M.H. Tuinder, Dr. S.M.J. van Kuijk

Keywords: Breast reconstruction, autologous breast reconstruction, quality of life

"Sense and Sensibility in autologous breast reconstruction; A dissertation"

Breast reconstruction procedures have a positive impact on the quality of life of women undergoing breast amputation for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes. The reconstructive plan is made in collaboration with the patient and is adapted to her preferences and priorities. The first part of this thesis describes new techniques and considerations for breast reconstruction with own tissue, autologous breast reconstruction, since not all women are eligible for the standard techniques due to body habitus, previous surgeries or a strong preference for a type of reconstruction. The second part of this thesis describes the impact of breast surgeries on breast sensibility. Results are shared on the efficacy of coaptation of a sensory nerve on the sensory recovery, but most important, the patients quality of life.

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