16 Jan
09:30 - 11:30

Shedding Light on Studying with ADHD and Autism (for staff)

At UM, students with ADHD and Autism are seeking a supportive community that understands their unique needs. Recognising the importance of fostering an inclusive environment, this session is designed to help staff members comprehend ADHD and Autism from a neurodiversity perspective and provide effective support within their respective roles.

Join us in dismantling preconceptions and gaining a comprehensive understanding of ADHD and Autism. Through a nuanced exploration of lived experience, we aim to unravel the struggles of students with ADHD and Autism and their manifestation in academic settings. By embracing the neurodiversity paradigm, participants will learn to create a more inclusive and supportive environment. This session is an opportunity to broaden perspectives, challenge assumptions, and collect a first set of basic tools for effective support.

This activity may count towards your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) if relevant to your situation.

About the trainers

Gesa Lange and Eva Ipektzidou work as student counsellors at UCM and SBE, respectively. They are part of the project team Embracing Neurodiversity: Let’s talk about ADHD and Autism funded by a UM Diversity & Inclusivity Grant in 2022Over the last year, they have gained in-depth knowledge about Autism and ADHD from a neurodiversity perspective. They are committed to creating a safe and welcoming space at UM where students with ADHD and/or Autism can voice their needs, get suitable help, and feel understood.