11 Jun
16:00 - 17:30
Maastricht International Law Discussion Group (ILDG) Guest Lecture

The Sentencing of Dominic Ongwen


On 6 May 2021, a Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) sentenced Dominic Ongwen to 25 years of imprisonment for 61 counts of crimes against humanity and war crimes. According to the Judge Schmitt, the Presiding Judge, “the Chamber was confronted […] with a unique situation. It is confronted with a perpetrator who wilfully and lucidly brought tremendous suffering upon his victims. However, it is also confronted with a perpetrator who himself had previously endured extreme suffering himself at the hands of the group of which he later became a prominent member and leader”. 

Sarah Kasande will discuss the sentence delivered by the ICC in the case of Dominic Ongwen. Sarah Kasande is Head of the Uganda Office of the International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) and an Advocate of the Courts of the Judicature in Uganda.

This event is organised by the Maastricht International Law Discussion Group (ILDG) and the Maastricht Centre for Human Rights (MCfHR). The event will be chaired by Dr Craig Eggett.
