11 Apr

PhD Defence Svenja Cremer

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. S.M.G. Zwakhalen

Co-supervisors: Dr. M.H.C. Bleijleven, Dr. J. M. de Man – van Ginkel, Dr. S.F. Metzelthin

Keywords: Zorg bij Algemene Dagelijkse Levensverrichtingen, Essentiele Zorg, Richtlijnontwikkeling 

"Undervalued & Unexplored: Underpinning and Guiding Nursing Care in Activities of Daily Living"

The dissertation is about Activities of Daily Living (ADL) such as dressing and undressing. It had two objectives: 1) to scientifically underpin ADL care and 2) to develop and test a practical guideline for nursing professionals. The dissertation highlights the complexity of ADL care and the need for scientific evidence and the lack of practical tools for nursing professionals to provide ADL care. The "Care in ADL" guideline describes recommendations that support caregivers in involving care recipients, assessing care needs, providing effective interventions, supporting family caregivers, and identifying health risks around ADL-care. Although the guideline generally proves applicable, there is sometimes resistance towards changing current care practices. The dissertation also examined the role of the physical environment in providing ADL care for people with dementia, identifying opportunities, particularly in integrating ADLs with meaningful activities in green outdoor settings.

Click here for the full dissertation.

Click here for the live stream.