23 Nov

PhD conferral Vincent R.A. Moermans

Supervisors: Prof. dr. J.P.H. Hamers, Prof. dr. H. Verbeek, Prof. dr. K. Milisen

Co-supervisor: Dr. M.H.C. Bleijlevens

Keywords: Nurses, Involuntary treatment, Dementia, Home Care

"Struggling with Daily Care Dilemmas: Insights in Involuntary Treatment Use among Persons Living with Dementia Receiving Professional Home Care"

This study provides insight into involuntary treatment use among persons living with dementia at home. This research show that involuntary treatment is applied to one in two persons living with dementia who receive professional home care in the Netherlands and Belgium. Involuntary treatment is most often requested and applied by family caregivers. District nurses play a crucial role in the application of involuntary treatment. Because they often regard involuntary treatment as regular care for persons living with dementia. Family caregivers and district nurses experience the decision-making process about care dilemmas that can lead to involuntary treatment as stressful. Since they struggle to find the right balance between safety and autonomy. This research shows that we need to increase district nurses' awareness of the negative consequences of involuntary treatment, as well as their knowledge and skills regarding alternatives for involuntary treatment, person-centred and value-driven care, so that they can enter into a timely dialogue with all those involved, in order to prevent involuntary treatment.

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