01 Jun

PhD Conferral Tim Peters, MSc.

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences
Supervisor: prof.dr. S. Heymans;
co-supervisor: dr. B. Schroen

“Non-coding RNA species in heart failure; regulators of cardiac hypertrophy, fibrosis and inflammation”

Keywords: non-coding RNA, heart failure

The subject of this dissertation is the role of non-coding RNA (ncRNA) in the development of heart failure. NcRNAs are molecules that regulate protein production, therefore influencing the function of cardiac cells. These cells include connective tissue cells, fibroblasts, which contribute to the development of heart failure by increasing the stiffness of the heart. This study identified a ncRNA species which regulates the function of cardiac fibroblasts in case the blood pressure is high. In addition, another ncRNA species was identified which influences the electrical activity of cardiac muscle cells, as well as a ncRNA species which regulates inflammatory responses of cardiac muscle cells and immune cells. In the future, these findings will hopefully contribute to an improved therapy or the prevention of heart failure.