07 Sep

PhD conferral Ms drs. Marcelle G.A. van Eupen

Supervisors: prof.dr. C.G. Schalkwijk, prof.dr. C.D.A. Stehouwer

Keywords: diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, advanced glycation endproducts

“The accumulation of advanced glycation endproducts in Diabetes and its relation to vascular disease”

People with diabetes are at an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. The aim of the studies described in this dissertation was to examine the role of advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) in the development of cardiovascular diseases in people with and without diabetes. A clear, consistent relation was found between AGE accumulation in the skin and the extent of vascular damage. Therefore, a strong indication exists that AGEs are involved in the development of vascular damage in people with and without diabetes. This research project provides more insight into the mechanism underlying the relationship between diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Hopefully, this information contributes to the development of new therapies to prevent and cure diabetes and subsequent vascular damage.

The studies presented in this dissertation were conducted within the framework of the Center for Translational Molecular Medicine (CTMM), project PREDICCt (grant 01C-104), and financially supported by the Dutch Heart Foundation, the Dutch Kidney Foundation and the Dutch Diabetes Research Foundation.