17 May

PhD conferral Ms drs. Diana M. Baas

Supervisors: prof.dr. M.S.R. Segers, prof.dr. R.L. Martens
Co-supervisors: dr. J.H.M. Castelijns, dr. M. Vermeulen

“Assessment for Learning: more than a tool”

Keywords:  learning process, primary school

Primary educators are becoming increasingly interested in identifying the learning processes of their pupils using learning assessments instead of tests. A portfolio can be a useful tool for integrating this into educational practice. This dissertation found that integrating learning assessments into educational practice by accurately determining where pupils currently are in their learning process and by encouraging them to take the next step in their development contributes to their motivation and the degree to which they are capable of guiding their own learning process. We were not able to determine whether portfolios contribute to this as well.