05 Mar

PhD conferral mrs. Anna Gorlova, MSc.

Supervisor: prof.dr. K. Lesch, Universitätsklinikum Würzburg

Co-supervisors: dr. T. Strekalova; prof.dr. L. Bettendorff, University of Liège

Key words: aggression, stress, mice, ultrasound, vitamin B1

"Understanding the Molecular Mechanisms of Aggression in BALB/C and TPH2-Deficient Mice"

The negative societal impacts associated with the prevalence of aggression are increasing, and, with this rise, is the need to understand the molecular changes that underpin stress-induced aggressive behaviour. For this purpose, two paradigms of stress-induced aggression were used: a model of emotional stress evoked by ultrasonic frequencies that mimic natural signals of fear and anxiety in rodents, and mice with partial serotonin deficiency subjected to the rat exposure stress. Novel mechanisms of excessive aggression were revealed and its new molecular correlates were identified, that can be possible targets for pharmacological treatment. Administration of thiamine (vitamin B1), its precursor benfotiamine or herbal cocktail normalized investigated behavioural and molecular parameters, suggesting these substances as effective treatments preventing overt aggression.