22 Dec

PhD conferral Mr drs. Steven T.H. Honings

Supervisor: prof.dr. J. van Os
Co-supervisor: dr. M. Drukker

“Exploring psychosis and multidirectional violence: a prospective study in the general population”

Keywords: psychosis, violence, trauma, delusions, hallucinations

Delusions and hallucinations are key symptoms of a psychosis and can occur in people with a psychotic disorder. These individuals also have an increased risk of developing violent tendencies. However, it appears that delusions and hallucinations also occur quite frequently in people with no psychotic disorders. This dissertation examined whether this group runs an equally high risk of developing violent tendencies. It found that people with psychotic episodes are more likely to become violent, both to themselves and to others. They are also more likely to become victims of violence. These results offer new perspectives for preventing violence and psychosis.