22 Dec

PhD conferral Izabiliza Liliane Mpabanzi

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. S.W.M. Olde Damink, Prof. Dr. C.H.C. Dejong †

Co-supervisor: Dr. Z.I.T.A Soons

Keywords: Ammonia, Kidney, Liver, Hepatic encephalopathy

"Targeting renal ammoniagenesis to prevent Hepatic Encephalopathy"

The kidney showed that it has the capacity to increase its ammonia excretion through the urine during hyperammonemia. This is an interesting finding as hyperammonemia is known to cause hepatic encephalopathy, one of the most devastating complications of liver failure. There is currently no proven effective therapy for hepatic encephalopathy.

The present thesis showed that the kidney can be used as a new target organ for hepatic encephalopathy.

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