04 Jul

PhD conferral Erman Onur Akpinar

Supervisor: Prof. dr. J.W. Greve

Co-supervisors: Dr. S.W. Nienhuijs (Catharina ziekenhuis), Dr. P.J. Marang - van de Mheen (Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum)

Keywords: bariatric surgery, obesity, weight loss, DATO

"Optimizing outcomes and treatment strategies in bariatric surgery” The Dutch Audit for Treatment of Obesity

Obesity is a chronic disease and a global epidemic characterized by a BMI of 30 and above. In the Netherlands alone, 51% of people are overweight and 14% are obese. Obesity is often accompanied by other conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. Combined with an increased risk of cancer, it leads to a higher risk of death. Bariatric surgery is an effective and safe way to treat obesity. It provides long-term weight loss and can lead to cure conditions such as diabetes. Several types of bariatric surgery are available. However, it is not yet clear which procedure offers the best outcomes. This study was conducted using the Dutch Audit for Treatment of Obesity (DATO), a national registry, to compare outcomes between these different interventions. It also looked at hospital differences in outcomes and predicting risk after surgery. Collectively, the studies in this dissertation can provide tools for bariatric surgeons in daily practice.

Language: Dutch

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