19 Dec

PhD conferral Dhr. Mahmut Kobal, Diplom-Ökonom

Supervisor: prof.dr. H. Schneider
Co-supervisor: dr. K. Desmedt

“Customs & Excellence; a comparative approach on administrative and regulatory compliance perspectives of the EU-Turkey customs union”

Key words: EU-Turkey customs union, administration, compliance, performance, international trade policy, European enlargement negotiations

Contemporary developments such as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) or even the BREXIT demonstrate clearly the new level of complexity and progressivity that economic cooperations and regional collaborations have reached. The success or failure of such aspirations and endeavors are highly dependent on the administrative performance of the customs authorities and the efficacy of customs legislation and its enforcement.

After 50 years of the EU-Turkey Association Agreement and 20 years of the EU-Turkey customs union, this dissertation provides an in-depth analysis and comparison of administrative and regulatory compliance perspectives of the EU-Turkey customs union. The results reveal that it is high time that the customs union between the EU and Turkey has to be re-assessed, re-defined and adjusted substantially and thus the outcomes can serve as a template for upcoming endeavors.