07 Jul

PhD conferral dhr. Kevin A.T.M. Theunissen, MSc

Promotores: prof.dr. C.J.P.A. Hoeve; prof.dr. G.J. Kok
Co-promotor: dr. N.H.T.M. Dukers-Muijrers

"Peer-driven testing for Chlamydia trachomatis in sexual and social networks: the value for Chlamydia control”

Keywords: Chlamydia, detection

Chlamydia is the number-one bacterial sexually transmitted disease (STD) among young people. Testing and treatment will prevent symptoms from getting worse and further spread of the disease. Unfortunately not enough young people with Chlamydia go to get tested. To encourage them to get tested, Kevin Theunissen and his colleagues from GGD Zuid Limburg (the South Limburg Municipal Health Service) have developed a new e-health method focused on the networks that surround young people. It turns out young people are willing to give their friends and sexual partners a Chlamydia home test. Although young men and sexual partners participated less frequently, this method is a very effective addition to the existing health care provisions and will prevent more Chlamydia infections from being left undiagnosed.