Conference programme

FRIDAY 17 March 2017

[11.30h-12.30h Related event: lecture 'On Epistemic Images' by Lorraine Daston at the Hotel Management School, Maastricht. This lecture is hosted by MACCH Conference partner Research Centre for Arts, Autonomy and Public Sphere (AOK). For more information and registration click here]
12.30h-13.30h  Registration/Coffee/Vlaai

Welcome and introduction to the conference 
- Official opening:
Dr. Vivian van Saaze, welcome and introducing:
* J.M.T. (Hans) Teunissen/Regional Minister of the Province of Limburg, Spatial Planning and Education
* Lex ter Braak/Director Jan van Eyck Academie
- Introduction to the conference: Dr. Ruth Benschop

14.00h-15.00h Keynote: Prof. Gabriella Giannachi (University of Exeter)
"Who decides who participates? Re-thinking the epistemology of participation"
15.00h-15.30h Coffee and Tea


Panel 1: Digital Participations 
Moderator: Prof. dr. Sally Wyatt (Maastricht University)
1. Sally Davies, Maura McKee and Dr Rebecca Sinker (Archives & Access, Tate)   
“Unboxing the Archives: supporting new forms of participation with digitised content”
2. Vanina Hofman (presenter) and Débora Lanzeni (Open University of Catalonia)
“The Harddisk Museum: co-archiving and performing digital arts heritage”
3. Lena Porsmo Stoveland (University of Oslo) (presenter), Lise Sæter, Tor Erik Skaaland, Oda Grønnesby and Noëlle L.W. Streeton    
“Nordic Collaboration Project: Communication, Investigation and Conservation of the Kumla altar (c. 1439), Swedish History Museum”
Questions and debate
17.00h-18.30h Drinks at the Van Eyck    

SATURDAY 18 March 2017

9.00h-9.30h Registration/Coffee
9.30h-9.45h Welcome by Prof. dr. Renée van de Vall, Chair Steering Committee MACCH

Keynote: Dr. Jeroen Boomgaard (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
"Are you talking to me? About the uncomfortable conversation between artworks and communities"

10.45h-11.15h Coffee and Tea
11.15h-12.30h Roundtable 1A: Community Art Practices (parallel session in Room Aldo Rossi)
Moderators: Prof. dr. Renée van de Vall & Ties van de Werff (Maastricht University)
1. dr. Krien Clevis (TRANSITION ZONE) - website - Opening 'ONDERGANGSZONE'
2. Ida van der Lee and Dr. W. (Bill) Wei (Studio Ritual Art)
3. Marlous van Boldrik (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen)
4. Rogier Brom (independent researcher into the arts, their public and their policies)
11.15h-12.30h Roundtable 1B: Local Heritage: Policy, Projects and Participation (parallel session in Auditorium) 
Moderators: Dr. Joop de Jong, Prof. dr. Ad Knotter & Dr. Christoph Rausch (Maastricht University)
1. Ilaria Rosetti (freelancer)
2. Justyna Kamińska (Meet Maastricht)
3. Lieve Willekens (author: Sofie De Ruysser) (MAS | Museum aan de Stroom)
4. Prof. dr. Arnoud-Jan A. Bijsterveld (Tilburg University)
12.30h-13.30h Lunch
13.30h-15.00h Panel 2: Urban Participation 
Moderator: Dr. Peter Peters (Maastricht University)
1. Prof. dr. Gert-Jan Burgers (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
“Challenging Eternity. Living labs and ecomuseums in urban and rural contexts”
2. Prof. Graeme Evans (Middlesex University)
“Co-Design and Co-Production in Art and Cultural Heritage”
3. drs. Gisèle Gantois and Yves Schoonjans (KU Leuven)
“Tracing the actual significance of built heritage through encounters with undisclosed protagonists”
4. Yelena Kovalyova and Pakhee Kumar (IMT School for Advanced Studies)
“Participatory Practices in Sustainable Development and Management of City of Art”
Questions and debate
15.00h-15.30h Coffee and Tea
15.30h-17.00h Panel 3A: Law, Dispute Solutions & Art (parallel session in room Aldo Rossi) 
Moderator: Prof. dr. Hildegard Schneider (Maastricht University)
1. Vanessa Tuensmeyer (Maastricht University)
“Indigenous Participation in Heritage Management and Presentation - Crossing cosmological, disciplinary and ethnic divides”
2. Mr. Lars van Vliet (Maastricht University)
"Post WWII restitution of looted art in the Netherlands"
3. Dr. mr. Bastiaan Van der Velden (Open University Heerlen)
“Tera di famia: collectively owned family land and private law in the Dutch Caribbean”
Questions and debate
15.30h-17.00h Panel 3B: Learning in the Museum (parallel session in Auditorium)  
Moderator: Dr. Vivian van Saaze (Maastricht University)
1. Stefanie Metsemakers (Bonnefantenmuseum)
“Why participate? The effects of two participatory museum programs explained” 
2. Emilie Sitzia (Maastricht University)
“The educational impact of participatory practices in art museums”
3. Danielle Carter (Tangible Education, Freelance Educator/Researcher)
"Play as Participation: Integrating an Attitude of Play in the Museum Space"
Questions and debate
17.00h-18.30h Drinks at Ipanema

Printable version of the conference programme