25 Apr
Panel discussion on the role of the media in a post-truth era

Panel discussion for alumni in Brussels

Alumni are very welcome to join a panel discussion in Brussels

Many analysts claim 2017 has shown itself to be - and will continue to be – a turbulent year. Key election campaigns have already started across EU Member States, and the infamous Article 50 has been triggered by Theresa May as you are reading this invitation to our second event of the year, which is going to be focused on the role of the media in a post-truth era.

We will be reflecting, through a panel discussion, on the impact which ‘fake news’ and the increased disregard for fact-based arguments have on the institutions and the work of journalists as well as on societal and political developments as a whole. Brexit, the Dutch, French and German elections, the political developments in the US and the rise of populism in Europe are some of the issues that will be on the table.

Tim King, Politico Europe, giving us the perspective of a senior journalist who has experienced in first person the changes in which news are made.
Naja Bentzen, European Parliamentary Research Service, who will tell us about how this issue has influenced the institutions as well as what the EP is doing about it.
Wout van WijkNews Media Europe, providing us with insights from the industry.
Finally, Christine Neuhold, will moderate the panel debate.

18:30 – Arrival & registrations
19:00 – Word of welcome (Alumni Committee) and introduction (C Neuhold)
19:15 – Short presentations by the speakers
19:45 – Panel discussion + Q&A
20:30 – Closure and refreshments

The event will be followed by a small reception. You can register for this event by sending an email to alumni@maastrichtuniversity.nl.