03 Jul

Online PhD conferral mrs. Jolande Li-Juan Jie

Supervisor: prof.dr. A.J.H.M. Beurskens

Co-supervisors: dr. S.M. Braun (Zuyd Hogeschool), dr. K. Meijer

Key words: rehabilitation, motor learning, implicit learning, gait, stroke, Parkinson

"Different Explanation, less frustration? Making explicit whether implicit motor learning strategies are feasible and effective in neurological rehabilitation"

Physiotherapists work every day to teach patients (e.g. after a stroke) motor skills. This can lead to challenging and complex situations. Verbal learning (i.e. instructing the learner step-by-step on how to perform a movement) is also referred to as explicit learning. However, there are also other learning strategies, such as implicit learning, which may be less dependent on a patient's cognitive functions.

The main aim of this thesis was to develop and apply different implicit motor learning strategies for improving walking and to compare the effectiveness and feasibility of one promising implicit learning strategy with explicit motor learning. In addition, a new user interface of an innovative technology was developed together with users that can support people while independently practicing their walk.