05 Feb

Online PhD conferral mrs. Inge I.H.M. Hooijen

Supervisor: prof.dr. F. Cörvers

Co-supervisor: dr. C. Meng

Key words: demographics, housing preferences, location choices, (im)mobility, technical knowledge workers, (future) graduates

"Place attractiveness; A study of the determinants playing a role in residential settlement behavior"

The attractiveness of a location becomes increasingly important as demographic challenges due to population growth or decline increase. Demographic changes are influenced by, among other things, the degree to which people are mobile or immobile within and between regions and countries, and whether or not places manage to attract and retain people. This dissertation attempts to provide insight into determinants that play a role in why certain places are attractive and have the ability to attract and retain (new) residents, and other places are not.

Click here for the full dissertation.

Click here for the live stream.