10 Jan

Online PhD conferral Akouvi Okpè Abalo

Supervisors: Prof. dr. Michael G. Faure, Prof. Koffi Ahadzi-Nonou, University of Lome

Key words: Climate governance, Climate change, Common but differentiated responsibility, Mitigation, Adaptation, Climate finance, Nationally determined contribution

"The implementation of the international climate regime in West Africa: case of Togo, Niger, Burkina Faso"

Considered to be the most affected, fragile and vulnerable to climate change, poor West African states are at the heart of the international climate regime. They are thus subject to a series of conventional obligations whose implementation is highlighted in this thesis. The aim was to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of the international climate regime by highlighting the realities of three target states, namely Togo, Niger and Burkina Faso.  The focus was on climate governance, technical mechanisms and financial mechanisms for implementation.

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