28 Nov
09:00 - 18:00

MHeNS Research Day 2018

Theme 2018: 'Career perspectives in and outside academia'

We will have an interview with Annemarie Penn-te Strake, Mayor of Maastricht about her exceptional career and lessons learned.

We have several elevator pitches:
-    10 Ph.D students about their projects
-    6 Postdocs about their work and ambitions

Further we will welcome back 5 alumni of MHeNS/UM for a presentation on their current work and a science career debate.
All talks and discussions will be in English.

For the support staff (OBP) a separate workshop will be organized during a part of the day.
Don’t miss out! This day is not only scientifically interesting, but we also hope to offer you the opportunity to get to know each other better.

Programme and registration

Venue: Van der Valk, Nijverheidweg 35, Maastricht