04 Apr
17:00 - 21:30

Meeting of the Alumni Circle European Law School/International Laws & CLEER Lecture

We are very pleased to let you know that on Wednesday, the 4th of April, the newly established Alumni Circle European Law School / International Laws will organize an Alumni Meeting at the UM campus in Brussels. Are you a ELS or ILS graduate (bachelor or master)? Then you are warmly invited to attend.  This will be a great opportunity to extend your (professional) network, meet former class mates and staff members.

During this event Diane Fromage will give a master class on 'The ECB’s accountability in the post-Banking Union era’ and prof. Andrea Ott will give a lecture within the framework of CLEER (Centre for the Law of EU External Relations) on 'The Brexit conundrum: Stuck between Politics, EU and International Law'.



17.00-17.30 registration / coffee & tea followed by the introduction of the speakers by dr. Sarah Schoenmaekers (Master coordinator of the master's programmes European Law School and International Laws)
17.30-19.00 CLEER lecture Prof. Andrea Ott: 'The Brexit conundrum: Stuck between Politics, EU and International Law'
19.00-19.30 break and further registration
19.30-20.30 master class by Diane Fromage: 'The ECB’s accountability in the post-Banking Union era’ 
20.30-21.30 drinks

Please let us know if you will attend no later than Wednesday, 28 March 2018. It is also possible to attend only one of the lectures.

CLEER lecture prof. Ott


This lecture addresses the current state of play of the Brexit negotiations and sheds a light on the future EU-UK trade relations. These negotiations are confronted with several challenges, among them the question how to reconcile the political red lines of both sides with the legal challenges arising from EU and international law.
The UK government turns out to be without a concrete plan since triggering Article 50 TEU procedure on 29 March 2017. Without even having discussed the future relationship, progress on the withdrawal agreement to organise the orderly withdrawal of the UK from the EU moves too slowly. It will at the same time predetermine the future content of the future bilateral agreement with key points agreed in December 2017 on finances, citizens, and Northern Ireland.
The British prime minister Theresa May has stressed so far in her political speeches since 2017 that the UK leaves the customs union, the single market, and the ECJ’s jurisdiction. And she expects that the EU makes the UK a creative offer for a future trade deal which is not copying existing closer cooperation in form of the European Economic Area extension of the internal market, the Canadian Free Trade Area or the Turkish customs union (“We will not accept the rights of Canada and the obligations of Norway”).

Visit Andrea's profile page for more information.

Master class Diane Fromage


Diane's research focuses on National and Regional parliaments in the European Union and, more generally, on any topic related to parliaments in the EU, such as interparliamentary cooperation. She is also interested in Independent fiscal institutions and has also a specific interest for institutional matters in the EU and in a comparative constitutional perspective. Her master class will cover the subject of the ECB’s accountability in the post-Banking Union era.

Visit Diane's profile page for more information.


Sarah Schoenmaekers’ principal area of interest is the future of European integration. She mainly focusses on the free movement of EU nationals (particularly the recognition of diplomas), EU competition law and public procurement. She is the coordinator of the master's programmes International Laws and European Law School and since 2010 she is also a visiting professor at Hasselt University (Belgium).

Visit Sarah's profile page for more information.

The UM Faculty of Law has growing LinkedIn groups in which alumni, students and staff members can find each other and interact with each other. Please join our groups: Maastricht University Faculty of Law and Alumni European Law School!  

We look forward to seeing you on 4 April.

On behalf of the Alumni Circle European Law School / International Laws,
Sarah Schoenmaekers
(Master Coordinator European Law School and International Laws)
Esther Ronda
(Alumni Coordinator UM Faculty of Law)