13 Apr
Alumni event

Meet & Greet in Dublin

Let’s get together! Maastricht University is pleased to invite you to a Meet & Greet on Wednesday, 13 April 2022 for all alumni living in Dublin.

Whether you just moved to Dublin or have been living there for several years, we look forward to reuniting our graduates, meeting new people and reminiscing about your study time in Maastricht.

We will be joined by a group of SBE students from the SCOPE Start-up Trip Dublin 2022 who are visiting various companies to gain experience about what it is like to work in one of the leading tech cities in the world.

Join us on:

Date: Wednesday, 13 April 2022
Time: starting at 19:30hs – 7:30 pm (starting with a fun ice-breaker activity)
The Landmark
40 Wexford Street, Dublin 2

*Two drinks and snacks are sponsored by the SBE Alumni Office

Our host of the evening is Leann Poeth, SBE alumni officer.

Please register for this event by sending an email to alumni-sbe@maastrichtuniversity.nl

We look forward to seeing you on April 13th. 

Leann L. Poeth-Chervenic and the Alumni Circle Dublin

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