24 Sep
15:00 - 17:00

MCEL Opening Event

The MCEL Opening Event on Evolution in EU Migration Law and Policy is the first event of Maastricht Centre for European Law (MCEL) in the academic year 2024-2025.

This hybrid event, that is co-organised with the Jean Monnet Chair in EU Migration Law and Governance held by Lilian Tsourdi, aims at bringing together highly motivated students, faculty members and experts from academia and EU institutions to discuss recent legal and policy developments in the fields of EU Migration and Asylum Law as well as how these may impact EU legal landscape more broadly.

The MCEL Opening Event will focus on the theme of “Evolution in EU Migration Law and Policy”, which we will discuss with:

  • Iris Goldner Lang, Jean Monnet Professor of EU Law, Head of the Department of European Public Law and Vice Dean for International and Interinstitutional Affairs and Quality Management at the Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb. 

  • Jonas Grimheden, Fundamental Rights Officer at the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex).

  • Alberto-Horst Neidhardt, Senior Policy Analyst and Head of the European Diversity and Migration programme at the European Policy Centre in Brussels. 

  • Guy Stessens, Deputy Director (Asylum, Migration, Visas and Borders) at the General Secretariat of the Council. 

  • Lilian Tsourdi, Associate Professor and Jean Monnet Chair in EU Migration Law and Governance at the Law Faculty of Maastricht University.

The event will be chaired and moderated by Monica ClaesProfessor of European and Comparative Constitutional Law at the Law Faculty of Maastricht University & MCEL Co-Director. The opening event will also feature a presentation by Sarah Tas (Assistant Professor at the Law Faculty of Maastricht University) and Felix Peerboom (PhD Candidate and Lecturer at the Law Faculty of Maastricht University) on the MCEL master thesis project that this year will focus EU migration law and governance. 

Just before the European elections this past June, the co-EU legislators agreed on an overhaul of the Union’s migration, asylum, and integrated border management acquis. These legislative and policy developments, also known as the New Pact on Migration and Asylum, will be the focus of the MCEL Opening event 2024-2025 that is co-organised with the Jean Monnet Chair in EU Migration Law and Governance. During the event we will analyse the main legislative building blocks of the New Pact and the evolution they bring to the migration policies’ governance structures and in policy implementation. We will also explore the Pact’s implications for the protection of fundamental rights in the Union, as well as identify broader trends pertaining to the EU’s constitutional and administrative landscape. Esteemed experts from both academia and from the EU institutions and agencies will share their insights on these topics. The event promises to foster an understanding of the dynamic interplay between migration policies and overarching EU legal principles. Join us to contribute to this critical discourse and gain a deeper insight into the multifaceted legal landscape of the EU!

If the green registration button doesn't work; please click on the following link in order to register: MCEL Opening Event 2024 - (aanmelder.nl)


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