03 Nov
Studium Generale | Lecture Series

Making Sense of World Politics

This series aims at combining several International Relations theories with topical and current world events. Questions are raised about democracy, privacy, terrorism, conflicts, feminism, foreign policy and refugees, etc. In the first two lectures Krommendijk will join Erdogan, and Livaha will speak in the second and third lecture. They will enter into an engaging and lively debate with one another and with the audience. While one side explains an argument, the other will question it with provocative and grounded criticisms and arguments.

The individual lectures/debates
1. (Neo) Realism: Will US Foreign Policy Change after the US Elections? (3 Nov)
2. (Neo) Liberalism: Is there any Future for Democracy and the EU? (10 Nov)
3. Feminism: Will more Women in Power Change International Politics?  (17 Nov)
4. Post Colonialism: Refugees and Conflicts: Is Our World under Threat? (24 Nov)
5. Poststructuralism: Facing the 'Cam Era'? Terrorism, Surveillance Society and Resistance (1 Dec)


image of world flags