16 May
09:00 - 16:30

Make the Sustainable Development Goals Yours!

The Green Office collaboration with ImpactLab Maastricht is organizing the symposium to deepen your knowledge on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and develop the skills to implement the SDGs (or any other social and environmental actions) in your personal life, at UM, or within the wider Maastricht community!

Alan AtKisson, senior advisor, author, speaker and leader in sustainability transformations will be giving the keynote and facilitating the afternoon’s workshop. You can see the full programme here (also see the programme description below) and register via this link. For more information, you can also check out our Facebook event page​​!​ 

Keynote lecture and workshop by Alan AtKisson

With nearly 30 years of international leadership and advisory experience, Alan AtKisson consults governments, leading companies, global NGOs, and the United Nations. We are gladly welcoming him now to share his expertise at Maastricht University (you can already watch his TEDxTalk here!). Alan’s keynote and workshop will be complemented by a panel discussion with a variety of panelists, i.e. students, academics, and members from the public and private sectors. 

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