25 May
17:00 - 18:30

Maastricht University Challenge | Inspiration Workshop - Part 2

The Maastricht University Challenge is a contest for entrepreneurial thinkers with the ambition to make a real impact on today's society. As a contestant, you are standing on the shoulders of the Maastricht University entrepreneurial network. You get to know successful entrepreneurs and leading international companies that will help you on your way from idea to demo to the world market. Don't have an idea yet but would love to join the challenge? Join this Inspiration Workshop for Early Birds!

Join this Inspiration Workshop for Early Birds and develop an idea with which you can participate during the Maastricht University Challenge! This online workshop consists of 2 sessions. During this second session, we'll work towards a concrete idea/project together with some of the partners. 

Inspiration Workshop for Early Birds
May 17 | Part 1 | Introduce you to the challenge and provide tools to get you started. 
May 25 | Part 2 | Deep dive into brainstorming and setting up your project. Based on your field of interest we work towards a concrete idea/project, together with some of the partners!

Join us now for this challenging and worthwhile experience and let us accompany you on your path to success! 


“Maastricht University is eager to challenge you, next to a successful academic study, to a fruit-bearing and creative contribution to society and the economy. In these awkward corona-times, we are in need of innovative ideas and thus make real progress in setting up interesting start-ups…”

Rianne Letschert
Rector Magnificus Maastricht University

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