21 Apr
19:00 - 21:30
UM Sustainability Week presents:

Kiss the Ground & Love the Planet - Movie, Snacks & Sustainable Food choices

Kiss the ground & love the planet. Becoming aware of all the different aspects affected by the climate crisis can be quite devastating. Among the many aspects impacted negatively: our Food, what we eat every day. Where there is a problem there can also always be a solution found. We invite you to come by, watch "Kiss the ground", an interesting eye-opening and nevertheless, solution-oriented and empowering movie together with interested peers, have some yummy snacks made of saved foods, exchange and discuss about a healthier and more sustainable world. Come by and join us for a beautiful, "geselig" and insightful social event. If you are interested in becoming active or simply learning about active people in the field of sustainability and food: meet representatives from several sustainable food-related organisations.

Eatly - a social start-up founded within a UM project combatting food waste by selling food boxes made off not-to-be-sold foods from local farmers to students.

Foodsharing -Foodsharing Maastricht is a grassroots initiative that raises awareness of food waste and organises unconditional food redistribution. We collect food that would otherwise be thrown away from local shops and offer it to you for free at our sharing point - the fridges at Tapijn A.

SCOPE - student initiative on sustainability from SBE.

FoodCoop - The Foodcoop is a cooperative started here in Maastricht to make affordable, organic veggies available for anyone here. We offer vegetables delivered to us by our farmer Joel. who grows his produce 9km away from Maastricht. so everything we offer is seasonal and regional as well. Furthermore, our goal is to create a community of people sharing values like sustainability and increasing awareness about food justice (and those who might be interested in that), so a space where people are invited to share ideas and spend time together. Once a week, people are able to order which veggies they want, and the exact amount of veggies they want (to prevent food waste), and come pick them up at our location in the Sustainability hub.

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