07 Jul

Inaugural lecture Prof. dr. Lee H. Bouwman

Appointed as extraordinary professor Clinical Engineering


"Clinical Engineering: maak van je gulden een daalder[Keeping healthcare affordable]

The Netherlands has one of the most social forms of healthcare. But this healthcare system faces major challenges. Healthcare costs are rising by just under 3% annually. All this in an era in which there is a shortage of medical staff, materials, and resources. If this upward trend in costs continues, healthcare will become unaffordable. In order to continue to offer high-quality healthcare, solutions will have to be sought outside the beaten track. We will have to do more with less.

Interdisciplinary cooperation of a variety of specialists such as doctors, engineers, ICT specialists, big data specialists, etc. is thus of great importance.

Clinical Engineering is the subfield that focuses on the use of technology to optimize the provision of care. Clinical Engineering's mission is the implementation or fusion of product development and end-user needs.

Language: Dutch

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