01 Jun
08:30 - 17:00

Hybrid Annual NUTRIM Symposium 2022

Welcome to the postponed NUTRIM symposium of 2021, this symposium will now take place on the 1st of June 2022.

The theme of this year’s NUTRIM symposium is ‘safe today, safer tomorrow’.
In this symposium, we will highlight current advances in knowledge that have the potential of making a safer future. However, we should keep in mind that safer is not the same as safe!

Research at NUTRIM is about investigating new avenues of knowledge, but this also implies that there is an unavoidable ‘unknown’. The impact of this ‘unknown’ on human health and safety has become particularly clear as the Covid19 pandemic continues to unfold; researchers tried to predict the future on basis of an educated guess, but often failed. It is therefore necessary to continue unraveling the ‘unknown’ and translate the new knowledge into practice to make our society safer by changing life styles and reduce dangerous exposures. However, some level of uncertainty will always remain.

As a result, scientific research on complex biological pathways continues to be the corner stone of improving our health. Coupled with a vast amount of personal data available today, research creates an opportunity to more individually assess someone’s risk and to prevent disease.

Our NUTRIM Symposium will be in hybrid form and what does that mean?
In the morning at 8.30 o’clock, there will be pre-recorded lectures available. You can watch these recordings whenever you want on 1 June 2022! From 12.00 o’clock onwards only our PhDs are welcome in Hotel van der Valk in Maastricht to join us for the rest of the programme until 17.00 o’clock. We will also provide a livestream between 14.20 and ca. 16.30 hrs.