24 Feb
09:15 - 17:00

How EU law shapes opportunities for preliminary references on fundamental rights

Discrimination and other examples

E. Muir, C. Kilpatrick and B. de Witte

This workshop will explore the impact of procedural provisions inserted in EU fundamental right legislation to facilitate access to court in support or on behalf of victims. We will investigate the interplay between: 

  • 'collective actors' understood in the broad sense to cover civil society organisations and independent organisations such as equality bodies intended to represent individuals,
  • the actual litigation of EU fundamental right law before domestic courts as it unfolds before the CJEU by way of preliminary references,
  • and rules on access to domestic courts as influenced by EU legislation to activate the relevant EU legal framework.

These last set of rules indeed form a bridge between collective actors and actual litigation, their influence on legal opportunity structures for preliminary references are under-researched. 

This event is co-organised by the European University Institute (Department of Law) and the University of Maastricht (Maastricht Centre for European Law); it is supported by the Veni programme of the Dutch Research Council (NWO). 

Contact: Mrs E. Muir
To register, please send an email to Ms Duranel 


09.15-09.30 Welcome and introduction

PANEL A – The mechanics of the collective enforcement of EU anti-discrimination law
Chair, Claire Kilpatrick (EUI)
Discussant, C. Favilli (University of Florence)

09.30-09.50 Analysis of procedural history of selected Belgian cases before the CJEU, E. Muir (University of Maastricht & KU Leuven)
&  S. Kolf (College of Europe)
09.50-10.10 Analysis of procedural history of selected Bulgarian and Romanian cases before the CJEU, L. Farkas (EUI)
10.10-10.30 Discussion
10.30-10.50  Coffee
10.50-11.10 Analysis of procedural history of selected Danish cases before the CJEU, J. Miller    (EUI)  & A. Atanasova (KU Leuven)
11.10-11.30  Analysis of procedural history of selected Italian cases before the CJEU, V. Passalacqua (EUI) 
11.30-11.50  Discussion
11.50-13.30 Lunch

PANEL B – Reception of EU ‘procedural’ anti-discrimination law in domestic legal systems
Chair, Elise Muir (UM & KUL)
Discussant, K. Meuwissen (KULeuven & European Network of National Human Rights Institutions)

13.30-13.50 Litigating anti-discrimination cases in Germany: what role for collective actors?, M. Möschel (CEU) 
13.50-14.10 Litigating anti-discrimination cases in France: what role for collective actors?, S. Latraverse (Défenseur des droits) 
14.10-14.30 The provisions of the anti-discrimination Directives on access to justice for collective actors: which added value?, A. Oliveira (European Commission)
14.30-15.00 Discussion
15.00-15.20 Coffee

PANEL C – The spread of collective actors to other fundamental right areas  
Chair, Bruno de Witte (EUI)
Discussant, M. Eliantonio (University of Maastricht) 

15.20-15.40 The role of collective actors in the enforcement of the rights of posted workers under EU, M. Kullmann (University of Maastricht)
15.40-16.00 The role of collective actors in the enforcement of the right to data protection under EU law, O. Lynskey (LSE) 
16.00-16.20 The role of collective actors in the enforcement of the rights of third country nationals under EU law, L. Tsourdi (EUI)
16.20-16.50 Discussion
16.50-17.00 Conclusion & closing

Find more information here

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