21 Jun
12:00 - 13:00

GROW Lunch Workshop

​‘Media Literacy; How does it work when it comes to media?’



  • How to get my research in the news?
  • Help a journalist calls! What should I do?
  • Who can I go to for help when it comes to the media?

Meet PR & Communication experts, guiding you through important media do’s and don’ts:

  • Nieky van Steenkiste, MUMC+ Press Officer
  • Mark van der Linde, UM Press Officer
  • Flore Clerkx, FHML Communications advisor  

Entrance is free and open to all students and researchers interested in this topic.
Lunch will be provided during this workshop.

Co-Greeproom M5.01, Universiteitssingel 60.
Seating is limited, if you wish to join please register via GROW secretariaat; secretariaat-grow@maastrichtuniversity.nl