09 Mar
13:00 - 16:00

Get Involved! - Information Market for students

Increase your social involvement! Join us for a new live edition of Get Involved! on 9 March, organised by Match in cooperation with the UM Student Services Centre.

This biannual market informs students about opportunities to be socially involved in Maastricht. The event will be attended by 20 to 30 organisations.

Get Involved - social commitment

At the Get Involved! information market, you are invited to ‘shop’ around, pick up flyers and goodies and talk to people who are socially involved in Maastricht.


Match connects students and the city. It promotes social engagement and volunteering as a valuable experience. Why?

Volunteering during your studies enables you to develop social and professional skills and find out where your talents lie.

It will help you become more competent, employable, and better meet your learning objectives. And you’ll be making a real impact and contribute to Maastricht's community. 

See you on 9 March.

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