21 Sep
13:30 - 14:30

Feel the Chemistry - Opening event

2020 is a year we won’t forget soon. Covid-19 has turned our world upside-down, impacting our personal lives, the economy, and society at large.

While still dealing with the implications of the virus, we should also embrace the opportunities this turbulent disruption offers us. In particular, we can build back better and focus on a new world economy, where sustainable principles drive growth and prosperity. Together, we can create a world that protects the wellbeing of both people and planet. Materials play a fundamental role in that transition.
Now more than ever, we must build further on our knowledge, experience and expertise, by connecting and working together in close cooperation. In this way, we will create more value and deliver solutions that address global challenges better and faster.

Feel the Chemistry festival - Watch the live stream

Over the past 80 years, ever since DSM founded the Central Laboratory in 1940, the Brightlands Chemelot Campus has evolved into the vibrant and unique materials science ecosystem it is today. Here, more than 80 parties collaborate and innovate day in and out to develop more sustainable materials that contribute to people’s lives, while tackling climate change and addressing resource scarcity. In fact, when it comes to materials science and innovation, with our unique ecosystem we hold many of the cards to build that better future.


Time Activity
13:30 Start live stream
13:30 Opening performance by choreographer Joost Vrouenraets
in cooperation with Codarts, University of the Arts I Music, Dance, Circus

Opening Expo ‘Feel the Chemistry’
Bert Kip,CEO Brightlands Chemelot Campus

14:00 Feel the Chemistry Talkshow on ‘Collaborative Innovation for a more sustainable and climate friendly future’ 
Moderator: Simone van Trier

  • Martin Paul, President of Maastricht University
  • Koen Janssen, Vice President Innovation, DSM
  • Bert Kip, CEO of Brightlands Chemelot Campus
  • Ruud Burlet, Deputy of the Province of Limburg
  • Wouter van den Berg, CEO Yparex, and representative of SMEs located at Brightlands Chemelot Campus
  • Michelle Gian, Master student Biobased Materials, Maastricht University
14:30 Closure