25 Mar
Studium Generale | Lecture Series

The Evolutionary History of our Body

Humans are products of evolution, as all life is. However, not many of us are aware that this evolutionary history can be directly seen in our bodies and behaviours. This lecture series explores our position in the tree of life and how we can understand our human anatomy and behaviour from this perspective. It will also look at how humans spread around the world and how this was facilitated by newly evolved adaptations. Finally, the impact of evolution on our daily lives will be investigated and how evolutionary thinking can help to revolutionise medicine.

The individual lectures: 
1. How a New Kind of Ape Spread Around the World (25 Feb)

2. Our Body as a Key to our Past (4 Mar)

3. The Evolution of Unique Human Traits (11 Mar)

4. Sex, Sociality and Siblings: Insights into Human Behaviour (18 Mar)

5. Evolution applied: towards a new View on Diseases (25 Mar)