
  • 06 Jun 07 Jun
    13:00 - 14:00

    Proportionality in trade mark law

    Internal workshop organised by Trade Mark Law Institute.


  • 12 Jun 13 Jun
    09:00 - 14:30

    UM Education Days 2024

    Do you have a passion for Teaching & Learning? 

    The UM community of teachers and learners is vibrant, diverse, and full of creative and innovative ideas and initiatives. To bring all this creativity and dedication together, EDLAB organises UM Education Days revolving around the awareness that...

  • 20 Jun
    11:00 - 13:30

    Playing with ChatGPT

    Hello it’s me… ChatGPT: What exactly are Large Language models, and what do they tell us about the challenges and opportunities for teaching at university?

  • 25 Jan

    MMM competition

    On Saturday, January 25, 2025, Maastricht University will organize the 29th Annual Maastricht Mathematical Modeling Competition (MMM). Compete with other schools from the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium during our international mathematics competition. So register your school quickly with a team...