22 Nov
11:00 - 17:00

Ethnographics and statistics of global traveling practices, multiple borders, infectious diseases

The symposium "Ethnographics and statistics of global traveling practices, multiple borders, infectious diseases: Challenges for public health knowledge infrastructures, public health policies and public health interventions" will take place on 22 November.

Contributions by:

  • Komatra Chuengsatiansup (medical anthropologist, medical doctor, director of the Society and Health Institute of the Ministry of Health Thailand)
  • John Penders (AMR and global travelling)
  • Henriette van Waarbeek (cross border infectious disease prevention in the EU region)
  • Volker Hackert (Q fever and the Dutch-German border)
  • Alena Kamenshchikova (theorizing AMR and global traveling: developing friendly relations with bacteria)
  • Klasien Horstman & Christian Hoebe (paradigms of change in public health).

A more elaborate programme will follow.