31 Aug

Data Science for Decision Making | Introduction days

During the programme introduction days you will receive valuable information about studying at the Department of Advanced Computing Sciences, life in Maastricht and you will get to know your fellow students.


All activities will take place on campus in Maastricht. From a Q&A with our study association, to games, meeting your fellow students, our staff and get to know the city of Maastricht… It’s all there!

You will receive a more detailed programme in the newsletter we will send via email in August.


You don’t want to miss out on all the fun activities, so don’t forget to register. Please register via the link you received in the newsletters we sent you by email. Sign up before 23 August, so we know we can count on you to join us here in Maastricht.

In case you have any questions/remarks, you can contact us via email on dacs-info@maastrichtuniversity.nl.

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