30 Oct
11:00 - 13:00
Well-being week 2018

Consent matters (30 October)

Given consent is tied to the current moment and is bound to the changing tides of our perception. Akin to how you can never step into the same river twice, consent is a concept that is always new and worth investigating. In this workshop we will explore consent through a series of exercises and dialogue. Everybody is welcome!

Come and explore how you relate to others (and yourself!) in intimate relationships and friendships. Increasing awareness of our boundaries and practising communication about our desires and (non)consent increases your resilience in situations when communication is not perfect... yet!

Some of the questions we will explore:

  • What does it feel like to say 'yes' when you actually mean no?
  • How many ways are there to reject or redirect someones request for (intimate) contact?
  • How can you improve consensual touch between partners?
  • How do we non-verbally sync up with others?

Leonie der Kinderen

Max. 20 people