10 Jul
14:00 - 18:30
Alumni activity for the whole family

Alumni Circle West-Brabant organizes sustainable barbecue

As a closing of our activities around the theme sustainability we organize a special barbecue for the whole family! On this Sunday afternoon, you will get a guided tour of the sustainable Hove 't Boschend and learn more about the production of biological meat.

You can certainly bring the kids as there is sufficient entertainment for them too, including a close encounter with the animals on the farm, vartious games and the trampoline!

14.00: Reception with coffee and tea
14.30: Guided Tour
16.30: Barbecue
18.30: End

There is a small fee to particpate in the event:
alumni: €15
guests/ partners: €25
Kids 3-8 years: €8
Kids 8-14 years: €10

Let us know whether you're coming and how many your are via: alumni@maastrichtuniversity.nl

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